FINAL ISSUE. Baja Eco Report. THRIVE event this Tuesday in Todos Santos. Raw Report: with Victoria Boutenko. Happiness Report: with New York Times #1 Bestselling author Marci Shimoff. Legendary Dr. David Carmos on Cosmic Vacation | Raw Spirit Community News

Feb 16

Hola Your Excellency,

Blissing forth in novel directions, as we do, I now feel joyously complete with my 10 years of devotional service the Raw Spirit Festival Community Movement. To honor this momentous occasion, this enews is changing names to HappyO & the Bliss U News”.

It will still feature a Raw Report (since it appears that i am destined to be a lifelong raw vegan-organic-eco-health enthusiast). The HappyO & Bliss U News will also feature an Eco Report, a Bliss Report, Bliss Tips, Insightful Innerviews, Happy Humor, Vibrant Videos, Uplifting Community Events, Empowering Products, Poignant Poetry and Revelations From The Road since there is no end in sight for our perpetual peregrine adventures ahead! Illustrious friend, we are just getting started, and hope you will join us along the way.

UBUNTU BLISS TIP: An anthropologist proposed a game to kids in an African tribe. He put a basket full of fruit near a tree and told the kids that who ever got there first won the sweet fruits. When he told them to run, they all took each others hands and ran together, then sat together enjoying their treats. When he asked them why they had run like that as one could have had all the fruits for himself they said: ‘‘UBUNTU, how can one of us be happy if all the other ones are sad?” ‘UBUNTU’ in the Xhosa culture means: “I am because we are.”

Click Here to View Happy’s Raw Community Farewell Address Video. Please SHARE THIS WISDOM Essential for the Raw Vegan Community!

knowing you
we feel so blessed!
as we gather together
in this expanded circle of love
in this infinite sphere of celebration
sharing our one sacred earth
beyond international boundaries
acknowledging the miracle of this moment
at this continuous living loving feast
we honor your magnificence
with fabulous friends
singing and dancing
and gathering together
laughing naturally invoking
rainbows of marvelous energies
elements and ancestors
stirring up the godus within us
guiding our lives
we are inspired
to ceaselessly celebrate
the myriad blissings
that continuously flow through
our graceful lives
with galaxies of gladitude
we give thanks for you


• THRIVE EVENT with Producers Kimberly & Foster Gamble this Tuesday in Todos Santos, Mexico
Living Sustainably in this Warm Winter Wonderland
• THE RAW REPORT: Video Innerview with Victoria Boutenko about her her latest research from Russia.
• SPECIAL HAPPINESS REPORT: Video Innerview with Happiness Expert, Marci Shimoff, New York Times #1 BestSelling book, Happy For No Reason. It is a little known fact that Marci Shimoff is the USA’s #1 best-selling female author! It is no wonder. Kindness, friendliness and compassion exudes from Marci.
• Obituary of a legend. DAVID CARMOS is now on cosmic vacation.
Please reach out to loving DR. SHAWN.
[Remember to click your “Not Junk” then “Remote View” tabs in your email program to see the many beautiful photos & flyers featured in this issue.]

BAJA BLISS REPORT: Thriving Sustainably in a Warm Winter Wonderland

Someone asked, “How can you afford to spend the entire winter in Mexico?” I ask, “How can you afford not to, considering that it is costing us only $100 per person per week for organic raw vegan scrumptuality, drinking water, gas, propane, everything.

In my many years of living abroad in subtropical countries, in what I call the sunny, 80 degrees “Dreamy Season” (not during the broiling Baja summer heat, humidity and hurricanes), I’ve always wondered why so few folks migrate during the winter. After all whales and birds and human sages have migrated since the dawning of mobile life on earth. It’s so much more fun, pleasant and affordable too considering that the price of a single heating bill may exceed an entire month of expenses in Baja California, especially if you travel the way we do in your own creational vehicle, which is not necessarily an rv. It could be a van or a pick up, a bicycle or a camel, a catamaran or a sea kayak or ???…

…Make up your best fantasy life, then live it. The sky was the limit. I hope this inspires you to get creative with your own unique creational vehicle and pleasant adventure of choice. Trust me, if we can afford to be here, you can figure it out!

Some say we are on a shoe string budget. But this is not the case. We don’t even have shoe strings. Just rugged sandals with velcro. Much more importantly,

“I am a pilgrimage junkie, believing whatever god there is went to a lot of trouble to create the world, and it would be downright rude not to see as much of it as possible.” – ?

Our Eco Answers: Last issue generated LOTS of fun responses – thank you all – from friendly offers to move into our eco-rv with us, to others wishing to know which hotel in Mexico is all inclusive for $100 per month (none to my knowledge, dang) to probing queries about how on Earth is it possible to thrive like royal naturalists on less than $100 per month?

Here’s an attempt to answer many of your excellent questions. Regarding water: for three decades sustainability has been an essential daily conversation, starting back when we called it “ecological repsonsibility”. We love to ask, “How can we live more sustainably?” We have earned the dubious distinction of using less water than the world’s poorest who are said to use 5 gallons per person per day. We use only about two gallons each, excluding water used to grow the food that we sometimes buy. How do we do it? In our minds we are already turning off the tap before we turn it on. We also opt to live in places where there is ample countryside so that tinkling between the shrubs is only noticed by the shrubs, and recycling compost, etc, into the earth is silently applauded by the spirit of the land.

Because in Mexico we not only lift and hand fill, but also buy all of our little rv’s 18 gallon watertank with 3 or 4 large plastic bottles of drinking water (at $1.90 each) every ten days or so, we are intimately familiar with how much water we are using because we carry every drop.

You asked, “What do we do for electricity?” Just one rooftop 140 watt solar panel and controller lights up our rv, laptops, low wattage, cheap blender and juicer. Propane that cools the half-size fridge and heat water hot for the sink and shower totals just $20 per month, especially since we prefer bathing in plentiful clean countryside waters of the ocean, seas, lakes, rivers and streams then taking a shower.

You asked, don’t you use a lot of gas for all that driving? I researched before buying this 21′ long, Toyota Dolphin 6 cylinder. It uses less gasoline than any other rv to my knowledge, about the same as a SUV at 18 to 20 mpg. However, this is our entire home. And we don’t commute. Rather than the many round trips taken by home dwellers, we drive one way, then stay for several days, and our drives are often only a few miles between destinations. We use about a tank of gas every 10 days, at $50 a tank.

If you sometimes shop at Whole Foods, you could be eating organic food from this field (see photo) plowed by horses. The crops here are mostly organic. Horses and plows are still used rather than gas-powered machines. If you look closely, you will see three horses, three plows and three farmers behind them, each on their own row keeping each other company as they prepare the soil for the next crop of organic peppers. This is one of many farms in Pescadero, Baja California Sur, that supplies Whole Foods.

THE RAW REPORT: Video Innerview with Russian Researcher Victoria Boutenko

Victoria Boutenko is an author, teacher, inventor, researcher, artist and mother.  In 1994, The Boutenko family, also known as The Raw Family, became seriously ill. Victoria sought out alternative health paths and discovered the raw food lifestyle which enabled the family to gain vibrant health. Her Raw Family walked from Mexico to Canada (!) on the Pacific Crest Trail on a raw vegan diet, foraging along the path.

Now Victoria Boutenko travels the world teaching health and nutrition classes based on the latest scientific research. Victoria’s most powerful contribution thus far has been her research into the nutritional value of eating and drinking greens and the development of green smoothies, which have revolutionized the way people access health, no matter what their dietary or lifestyle choice.

SPECIAL Happiness Report: Innerview with Marci Shimoff, New York Times #1 Bestselling Author of Happy For No Reason.

It is a little known fact that Marci Shimoff is the USA’s #1 best-selling female author! It is no wonder. Kindness, friendliness and compassion exudes from Marci.

Marci Shimoff is the woman’s face of the biggest self-help book phenomenon in history, Chicken Soup for the Soul. Her six bestselling titles in the series, including Chicken Soup for the Woman’s Soul and Chicken Soup for the Mother’s Soul, have met with stunning success, selling more than 13 million copies worldwide in 33 languages and have been on the New York Times bestseller list for a total of 108 weeks. Marci is one of the bestselling female nonfiction authors of all time. In addition, she’s a featured teacher in the international film and book phenomenon, The Secret. Her new book, HAPPY FOR NO REASON: 7 Steps to Being Happy from the Inside Out, offers a revolutionary approach to experiencing deep and lasting happiness.

A celebrated transformational leader and one of the nation’s leading experts on happiness, success, and the law of attraction, Marci has inspired millions of people around the world, sharing her breakthrough methods for personal fulfillment and professional success. President and co-founder of the Esteem Group, she delivers keynote addresses and seminars on self-esteem, self-empowerment, and peak performance to corporations, professional and non-profit organizations, and women’s associations. She has been a top-rated trainer for numerous Fortune 500 companies, including AT&T, General Motors, Sears, Kaiser Permanente, and Bristol-Myers Squibb.

Click Here For Video Interview with Dr. David Carmos

Obituary of Dr. David Carmos. The legend of health pioneer Dr. David Carmos lives on! David began studying yoga in 1952. Wow! Vegetarian since 1955, David was vegan for 48 years, and mostly raw for 24 years until he went on his Cosmic Vacation recently in La Jolla, CA, in the loving care of Dr. Shawn Miller.

David Carmos was one of the funniest, kindest, wittiest and often wisest, huge-hearted, human beings I’ve had the honor to befriend. He was a loving friend to ALL, amazing Essene teacher for the world.

David could do advanced yogic asanas and pranayamas until shortly before his departure. David taught the first accredited courses in America on Yoga As Therapy at Boston Universities Sargent College, School of Allied Health Sciences, from 1966-70, Directed the Howland-Bursley Manor House Museum, Cape Cod, and was a graduate of the New England School of Acupuncture. He earned a Doctorate in the Allied Health Sciences.

He wrote, taught, researched and spent his time studying ancient healing concepts, nutrition, metaphysics, mythology, weights, cycling, yoga and the healing secrets of the ancient Essenes. An Essene Arch Bishop, David authored 25 (!) books, including several co-authored books such as You’re Never Too Old To Become Young with Dr. Shawn Miller. If you would like to reach Shawn with hugs, memories, wishes and possibly even a Paypal donation to cover the vast costs, please email

Thanks Be to You For Supporting these Sponsors
who are making a positive difference in the world:

1) THRIVE Movement, Foster & Kimberly Gamble
3) Hippocrates Health Institute
4) Health Force Super Foods

Living Free in an Unfree World. Join Kimberly & Foster Gamble, Happy Oasis & Johnny Liberty for an evening of solution-focused insights into “Living Free in an Unfree World”. The Gambles will Skype in for a presentation followed by Qs & As. The evening’s hostess HappyO will share “Succulent Strategies to Personal Freedom” while host Johnny Liberty will deliver a dynamic presentation about “Claiming Your Sovereignty”.

Check out the Global Source Center. It’s the new nexus for community evolutionaries!

Hippocrates Health Institute is North America’s largest and leading comprehensive health retreat offering the fullest array of powerful alternative health and integrated medical approaches as well as organic gourmet raw restaurant daily buffets, beautiful accommodations, nature hikes, gardens, ponds, swimming pool, wheat grass house, conference center, proximity to West Palm Beach’s ocean, plus, consultations with a diversity of reseach physicians utilizing extensive advanced non-invasive testing procedures, ongoing daily classes and weekly residential programs. It is the retreat we most highly recommend for anyone wishing to prevent or overcome disease or uplift your health to the next level.

Dr. Jameth Sheridan is an eminent researcher and possibly the USA’s leading nutrition-packed super food formula pioneers. We imbibe in nutritious delicious Health Force Super Foods daily, particularly the Vitamineral Green, loaded with fortifying nutrients.

It is a Deep Honor for the Raw
Spirit Community News
to join forces with these
stellar sponsors & supporters,
leaders dedicated to co-creating
a healthier humanity!

 Ann Wigmore Institute
Best of Raw Awards
Blissology University
Biolumina Spirulina
Brad’s Raw Foods
Drs. Brian & Anna Maria Clement
Dr. David Carmos
Da Vid Raphael M.D. & New Phoenix Rising
Don Miguel Ruiz Jr.
Dr. Gabriel Cousens M.D.
Foster & Kimberly Gamble
Graff Academy
Happy Oasis Retreat
Health Force Super Foods
Hippocrates Health Institute
ICR’s Global Source Center
Jeffrey Smith
Lydia’s Organics
Marci Shimoff
McLean Meditation Institute
Pura Vida Restaurant & Health Food Store

Raw Living Expo
Raw Revolution
Raw Spirit Fest
Sacred Chocolate
Steve Bhaerman
Swami Beyondananda
The Garden Diet
Thrive Movement
Tree of Life Center
Victoria Boutenko
Viktoras Kulvinskas
William Eaton

STAY TUNED for these Intriguing Video Interviews in upcoming issues:
• Loving Living in our little Eco-Creational Vehicle & How You Can Too.
• Zoner, the raw/vegan hiker who has traversed more than 10,000 mountain trail miles so far…


Be the Beautiful

Wild Flower

You Truly Are
With You In Celebration,

In Baja California for
the final Raw Spirit & Bliss U News