Raw Bliss in Baja California! Bliss Report. Snorkel Report. Raw Report. Raw Restaurant for sale in beautiful Baja. Raw Humor. Raw News in Spanish. Interviews with Raw Athlete William Eaton & Meditation Guide Sarah Mclean | Raw Spirit Community News

Jan 30

Hola Miraculoso,

We Are Thinking Warmly of You in This Issue with:

• The Baja Bliss Report: You too can thrive in Mexico on very pocitos pesos. Plus, Kayaking, Boogie Boarding & Communing with Wild Horses!
• The Snorkel Report… is two thumbs up or three fins up, depending on your species. 🙂
• The Raw Report: Mexico’s Surprising Organic Raw Vegan Shangrilas Are Revealed.
Raw Blissiness Opportunity: A Hip, Happening Raw-Friendly Cafe and Health Food Store in Baja California Sur is now for sale.
In Spanish from Hippocrates Health Institute: Felicidad, El Primer Requisito Para Estar Saludable
•  In Spanish: from Dr. Gabriel Cousens: Resumen De Proyectos En La Comunidad Hispana
• Video Interview with “Blissologist of the Month” Sarah Mclean, Hayhouse author and meditation guide.
• Video Interview with Raw Athlete William Eaton, now ranked #1 in the World(!) in 60+ Pole Vaulting.

[Reminder to readers: Remember to click your “Remote View” tab to see the many beautiful photos and flyers featured within.]

Thank You For Supporting These Friends & Sponsors!

In this Issue, in honor of our winter host country, Mexico, and the rapidly-expanding Spanish speaking world, we invited our promotional partners to share something special in Spanish. Please scroll down for fascinating full color flyers of:

1) Raw Living Expo starts this Friday
2) Hippocrates Health Institute
3) Sacred Chocolate Valentine’s Special
4) Biolumina Spirulina
5) In Spanish: Author Gissela Torella’s raw vegan book Su Naturaleza Real
6) In Spanish: Health Force Super Foods

Blissful Living in Baja—And Why YOU Can Do This Too!

For less than $100 per week (yep, that’s right folks, that equates to living sweetly on about $5000 per year) perhaps you too can your own version of this luxuriantly-simple, culturally-rich and ecologically-exuberant life in Baja California Sur, Mexico: befriending wild horses who freely roam the beaches, snorkeling with friendly fish in placid bays, kayaking along the rugged coasts, hiking up jagged ocean canyon bay peaks, doing yoga on the sand, boogie boarding long waves, taking siestas when so inspired, communing with fascinating friends at their haciendas, palapas, camps, hotels, galleries, outdoor garden cafes, artisans & organic farmers markets… We dine on long conversations, local tropical fruits and organic farm fresh vegetables, plus feast each dawn and dusk on sunrises and sunsets, not to mention work. Work? Here siestas are serious business and mañana means, according to a local expert, “not necessarily tomorrow but some time vaguely in the indefinite future.”

The Snorkel Report from Cabo San Lucas

Gracias to a local library book, I identified 40 marine animals, most of them colorful fish, all of them curious and friendly, in cozy Bahia Santa Feliza, the beautiful aquamarine bay surrounded by Playa Santa Maria just east of Cabo San Lucas, whose famous arch and Lovers Beach mark the romantic southern tip of Baja California Sur, Mexico. A wetsuit is not required unless you stay in for hours, which I do. I confess a love for fish, living, gazing, neighborly fish in particular. We befriended “The Costa Rican Mermaid” who swims 8 hours a day. She is very inspiring.

Speaking of inspiring, here’s a few fascinating fellow adventurers we’ve befriended along the way: a raw artist who motorcycled all the way down from San Francisco, a couple from Argentina who after three years on the road, hope to be in Alaska this summer, American and Scandinavian couples in their Landrovers en route to Panama and Patagonia respectively, an Italian who lives in the wilderness in his ridiculously rugged four-wheel drive rv with 3 ft tall tires – all travel while writing encouraging books, creating original art and/or performing music as they go.

Consequently, our “vehiculo creational intrepido” now thinks it is 4 wheel drive (as we sing along) while bouncing down gnarly-bumpy canyon sand paths, a feat that would have been considered unfathomable just a season ago. What a big beautiful world we share!

The Raw Report & Mexico’s Organic Raw Vegan Shangrilas

FACT: To our knowledge, there are more raw/vegan-friendly garden restaurants per capita in the conscious tiny little villages of Todos Santos and Pescadero than in any place in the entire USA!

Serenely situated smack dab on the Tropic of Cancer (latitude 22.5 degrees) near the southern tip of Baja California, these villages offer perfectly warm, generously sunny winter weather and the vibrant produce reflects this.

On a semi-shaded, expansive meadow on a farm in the forest, a huge festival-like, all-day, ethnic, international, organic farmers market near San Jose del Cabo features an array of organic produce comparable to any at California’s biggest farmers markets, but also offers children’s yoga classes, Tai Chi, arts and crafts, live inspirational music and many rawplendent booths.

Meanwhile, beneath the welcoming shade a grove of mango trees, Baja Beans, is the village of Pescadero’s one-acre outdoor garden cafe that hosts a festive Sunday farmers, musicians and artists market, another one of multiple venues that vend organic produce right off the surrounding organic farms.

These farms themselves often create charming outdoor restaurants in the middle of their own geometrically pleasing gardens and invite visitors on intercultural work exchanges. In conclusion, dining and and juicing like raw rural royalty in Baja California Sur is affordable, available and delightful. Viva Mexico!

For Sale: Raw Friendly Garden Cafe and Health Food Store is for Sale in a Conscious Community in Baja California Sur. $79,900 USD.

Includes: a fully functional, debt free, cash income, restaurant and health food store. Current business license, all bulk food on shelves and in storage, shelves, freezers, display cases, furniture, Vitamixers, NutriFaster industrial juicer, alkaline purification system, peanut and almond butter grinder, security camera system, welcoming desk, cash register, all recipes, menus, current employees (6), promotional website, Facebook page, 4 years of contacts.

Plus, contacts with our current shipping companies and THE BEST shipping rates anywhere in Baja because of our long lasting relationships. If you have any questions, please contact Happy@HappyOasis.com to introduce us. We look forward to hearing from you.

Raw Therapy: Is It Helpful?

“A therapist advised a client of the importance of finishing things that are started in order tofeel better about oneself. The next day thechubby raw vegan client happily reported to thetherapist, “So far today I’ve finished one square of raw tiramisu, two slices of raw carrot cake with cashew frosting, and three raw vegan chocolate truffles. I feel better already – and it’ only 9 am.”

Apparently these horses went to the same therapist. After completing our bag of organic greens, they were soon onto the next project: a neighboring meadow.

Blissologist of the Month: Sarah Mclean

Founder of the McLean Meditation Institute, Sarah McLean is the best-selling author of Soul-Centered: Transform Your Life in 8 Weeks with Meditation (Hayhouse 2102). This inspiring, contemporary meditation teacher makes meditation easy and accessible to everyone. Deepak Chopra recommends her work saying it’s “entertaining, informative, and inspiring even for the most advanced meditator.”

Click Here For Video Interview

Rawstar of the Month: William Eaton

In this Short Snappy Video Interview Raw Spirit musician and raw athlete William Eaton reveals how he won second and now first in the world (!) in pole vaulting for his age group.

Meanwhile, why did we spontaneously decide to run Baja California’s “Porque 5K?” race? Porque no? (Well, why not?!) It was a rapid way to meet 350 new friends in Todos Santos by dancing on stage, running the race, surprisingly receiving a 2nd place medal, while laughing amidst “Ole!”s all the way.

Article by Hippocrates Health Institute’s Co-Directors Drs. Brian & Anna Maria Clement

Happiness, The FIrst Requirement is Being Healthy

ENGLISH TRANSLATION: We often ask our guests at Hippocrates to describe their objectives for participating in the program. Their responses are usually predictable: “I’m here to overcome a disease” or “I’m here to improve my health in general.” Imagine the surprise when responding that these concerns are not the primary reason for participation in the program.

“They are here to find happiness,” we say. Normally, there is a pause, and then, after a moment of reflection, the guests give a huge sigh of relief. Joy is the real goal in the pursuit of good health. Recognizing the truth of this idea helps us to focus more clearly on what we generate and obstacles that prevent us from achieving happiness.

La Felicidad, El Primer Requisito Para Estar Saludable

SPANISH VERSION:  Muchas veces les pedimos a nuestros huéspedes de Hippocrates que describan sus objetivos al participar del programa. Por lo general sus respuestas son predecibles: “yo estoy aquí para superar una enfermedad” o “Estoy aquí para mejorar mi salud en general.” Imaginen la sorpresa cuando les respondemos que estas preocupaciones no son la razón tras su decisión de participar del programa.

“Están aquí para encontrar la felicidad,” les decimos. Normalmente, hay una pausa, y luego, después de un momento de reflexión, el huésped dan un enorme suspiro de alivio. La alegría es la meta real en la búsqueda de la buena salud. Reconocer la verdad en esta idea nos ayuda a enfocarnos con más claridad en los obstáculos que nos generamos y que nos impiden alcanzar la felicidad. (Translated by Gissela Torrella who is featured in the above photo on the right.)

Resumen De Proyectos En La Comunidad Hispana

SPANISH VERSION: (See English Version below) La fundación del  Árbol de la Vida, EEUU (The Tree of Life Foundation), bajo la dirección del rabino Dr. Gabriel Cousens , MD, MD(H), DD en los últimos 6 años ha hecho un trabajo extensivo en el mundo de habla hispana.

El Dr. Cousens ha dado conferencias en España, México, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panamá, Ecuador, Argentina, Uruguay, Perú y Brasil. Es miembro de LULAC y fue presentado recientemente con el Premio César Chávez por su labor humanitario en ambos lados de la frontera con México y Arizona.

Actualmente, la Fundación del Árbol de la Vida cuenta con centros en Nicaragua, Ecuador, Argentina, Uruguay y Brasil. En los cuales se ofrece un curso Bi-anual de Alimentación consciente con duración de 5 días (en español). Durante el taller más reciente de Alimentación Consciente en Buenos Aires, Argentina asistieron 250 personas con participantes provenientes de 10 países de habla hispana.

Los planes en el futuro del Dr. Cousens incluyen un programa de agricultura vegánica, en Ecuador dictado en español y también posiblemente en una comunidad de Nicaragua, donde la Fundación del Árbol de la Vida es propietaria de tierras frente de Isla de Ometepe. También estamos empezando el programa de enseñanzas de alimentación de la Cocina Arco Iris, dieta curativa Fase 1 y la Fase 1.5 a través de la Escuela de Holistic Wellness del Dr. Cousens las clases serán dictadas en español. Read more…

Tree of Life Projects in the Hispanic Community

ENGLISH VERSION: The Tree of Life Foundation under the guidance of Rabbi Gabriel Cousens, MD, MD(H), DD has done a great amount of work in Spanish-speaking world over the last 6 years.

Dr. Cousens has spoken in Spain, Mexico, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Ecuador, Argentina, Uruguay, Peru, and Brazil (Portuguese). He is a member of LULAC and was recently presented with the Cesar Chavez Award for his humanitarian work on both sides of the Mexican/Arizona border.

Currently the Tree of Life Foundation has centers in Nicaragua, Ecuador, Argentina, Uruguay, and Brazil. Bi-annually he offers a 5-day Conscious Eating course in Spanish in South America. During the most recent of these courses 250 people were in attendance, with participants coming from 10 different Spanish-speaking nations.

Dr. Cousens’ plans for the future include a veganic, organic Spanish-speaking farming program in Ecuador and a potential community in Nicaragua where the Tree of Life Foundation owns land opposite Isla de Ometepe. We are also beginning a Rainbow Green Live Food Cuisine Phase 1 & Phase 1.5 Spanish-speaking teaching program through the Cousens’ School of Holistic Wellness. Read more…

This Friday marks the start of the Best of Raw Awards Banquet and the Raw Living Expo. These are not Raw Spirit Festival events; however, I will be there in spirit and, who knows, perhaps even somehow mysteriously appear. The Raw Living Expo is happening Jan 31 – Feb 2, 2014, in Thousand Oaks, CA at the Hyatt Westlake Plaza. www.RawLivingExpo.com

Have you yet considered surprising someone for Valentines? For a Valentines they will never forget,
Sacred Chocolate delivers scrumpdilicious, raw vegan, love-filled chocolates for you.
Order now at www.sacredchocolate.com.
Use promo code ‘happy’ at checkout for a bonus 10% discount.

“Biolumina Spirulina is not only unique in it’s processing. It’s been quantum infused.” – Da Vid
We are enjoying adding Biolumina Spirulina to our juices, smoothies and salads.” – Happyo

To order, call Da Vid 877.877.5616

We imbibe in nutritious delicious Health Force Super Foods daily,
particularly the Vitamineral Green, loaded with fortifying nutrients.

It is a Deep Honor for the Raw
Spirit Community News
to join forces with these
stellar sponsors & supporters,
leaders dedicated to co-creating
a healthier humanity!

 Ann Wigmore Institute
Best of Raw Awards
Blissology University
Biolumina Spirulina
Brad’s Raw Foods
Da Vid Raphael M.D. & New Phoenix Rising
Don Miguel Ruiz Jr.
Dr. Gabriel Cousens M.D.
Foster & Kimberly Gamble
Graff Academy
Happy Oasis Retreat
Health Force Super Foods
Hippocrates Health Institute
ICR’s Global Source Center
Jeffrey Smith
Lydia’s Organics
Marci Shimoff
McLean Meditation Institute
Pura Vida Restaurant & Health Food Store

Raw Living Expo
Raw Revolution
Raw Spirit Fest
Sacred Chocolate
The Garden Diet
Thrive Movement
Tree of Life Center
Victoria Boutenko
Viktoras Kulvinskas
William Eaton

STAY TUNED for these Intriguing Video Interviews in upcoming issues:

• Don Miguel Ruiz Jr, the Toltec wisdom keeper
Marci Shimoff, author of New York Times #1 Best Seller, Happy For No Reason
Victoria Boutenko, raw researcher/worldwide best-selling author, reveals her recent insights after traveling in Russia
Zoner, raw/vegan hiker who has traversed more than 10,000 mountain trail miles so far

Bliss Forth with Health, Fun and Kindness,

We are off now to volunteer at the local orphanage. Celebrating You So,

HappyO & Johnny Light

Slowing Roving Through Baja California Sur,
Mexico for the
Raw Spirit & Bliss U News
